Arctic Botany
Historic photographs of pressed plants collected from Fort Conger are visible. When playing the game, the image of a particular plant is displayed in the center of the screen. To the left is a magnifying glass. Below are the genus names of the plants present at Fort Conger. A timer is visible in the upper right hand side of the viewing window.
Brassicaceae (Mustard Family)
Regular shaped flowers 4 petals; 6 stamens (4 tall and 2 short). The fruit are either elongate or round shaped capsules.
Look for linear or rounded fruit.
Genus Pedicularis
Irregularly shaped flower. Top petal curves and looks like a hood. Leaves dissected twice, looks like a feather.
Look for hooded flower and feathered leaf.
Asteraceae (Aster Family)
Many flowers clustered in a head. Two types of flowers: ray flowers (look like petals, at the edge of the cluster) and tube flowers (small without rays, found towards the center of the cluster).
Look for ray and tube flowers.
(Grass Family)Small flowers (either single or several) enclosed by scale-like bracts. The flowers lack petals. These florets may be clustered together as a spike or open and spreading as a panicle. The leaves are long and narrow with parallel veins.
Look for long narrow leaves.